Action Taker Mastermind and Mentoring Program – Finding


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Step 1- Financing  Properties

Step 2 – Finding Discounted Properties

This course is a culmination of many years of investing experience. You will discover a wide variety of strategies that have worked for real estate investors in the past.  Before you do any of the activities read through the entire course content and watch all videos once.

Read Through This Course

Introduce Yourself to Realtors

One of the best ways to find properties, especially when you’re starting out, is to use a good real estate agent who’s familiar with investment properties.  Introduce yourself to at least 5 different realtors, use the information in Lesson 8 to share your buying critieria.  If you are a real estate agent, let other realtor’s  know that you are willing to give up your end of the commission if they are able to find you a property with your criteria that is not listed on the MLS.

Introduce Yourself to Wholesalers Activity

Introduce yourself to at least 5 different wholesalers in your area, use the information in Lesson 13 to share your buying critieria and get a better understanding of there business.  If you are a real estate agent, let other realtor’s  know that you are willing to give up your end of the commission if they are able to find you a property with your criteria that is not listed on the MLS.

Complete the following activities in the Finding Your Properties Course: Call the Signs, Answer Kijiji Ads, Network at Events (Lesson 13), and Review Package (Lesson 13).

Complete Activities

Choose Three Advertising Methods and Implement

The lessons from 14 to 24 in the Finding Discounted Properties Course share a number of different methods of finding discounted properties.  There is no magic to this business.  It takes hard work, time and effort to find strategies that work for you and your personality.  Some people do really well at door knocking and leaving notes, some are great at networking, and other people are better at Facebook marketing.  Most people give up too soon.  You need to try a number of different methods to find the strategies that work well for you.  Use the information in lessons 14-24 and implement at least 3 different methods for finding discounted properties.