You are unauthorized to view this page at this time. You must be member or upgrade your current membership level to access this area. In this area we provide advanced training to members. CKLICK HERE to see a PDF Preview of what this page looks like. We have hours and hours of meeting recordings from past DurhamREI meetings that go back to January 2013. Each meeting recording contains keynote speakers, resources, and inisghts into real estate investing that you are not going to get anywhere else. Access to presentations by: Julie Broad, Stefan Aarnio, Ian Szabo, Elizabeth Kelly, Rich Danby, April Stewart, Gillian Irving, Joey Ragona, Aaron Moore, Mike Gillespie, Erik Mitchell, Tim Collins, Andrew C Macdonald, Mark Loeffler, David Sandbrand, Andrew Brennan, Jeff Woods, Gary McGowan and many, many, many more. Focused courses that teach you the basics of a variety of real estate strategies. Quick results videos that answer key questions that many real estate investors have like Using Corporations, Advanced Purchase Clauses, Using a Property Analyzer, Different Ways to Refinance and much more. Remember you must be member or upgrade your current membership level to access this area.