This entire section is a very important action item, that you need to complete. It may take you some time to do. Answer the following questions in a small notebook. I use a small moleskin notebook that I keep around my office desk. It is important to use a pen and paper to write these goals down, as it creates a different type of memory than typing or using a phone.
What are the specific goals that you would like to accomplish in 5 years:
- Real Estate Cash-Flow per month? ($4000 per month) ____________________
- Appreciation on Real Estate Portfolio? (3-5%) ____________________
- Value of Portfolio ? ($7,000,000) ____________________
- Major Goals Aligned with Lifestyle (3 Trips per year, Car, Kids Education =assign a cost if possible) ______________________
Now take goals 1 and 4, and attach a monthly amount of funds that you will require in order to accomplish this. Let us use an example of $5,000 per month, to make it easy. You would use whatever amount that you came up with.
- The Monthly Income I require from my lifestyle is ___$5,000____
- Define your monthly income outside of real estate in 5 years ____$2,000______ (Let’s say you want to work part time)
- Define the monthly income you currently get from real estate _______$800___ (Let’s say you own a great duplex)
The amount of money you need to generate through your real estate portfolio is $2200 more per month, in order to achieve your goals. ($5000-$2000-$800).
Amount you need to now generate each month is: $__________________, which is your portfolio goal.